Sunday, October 23, 2011

When is it our turn?

Ever since this journey started, I have felt like I'm on a roller coaster.  At times, we make jokes to help cope, other times we just cry.  I go back and forth on being very optimistic and knowing "everything will work out," to feeling the weight of the world and wondering if we will ever be able conceive.  I've been working SO hard on trying to stay on that optimistic path, but every time I get to that place... I check Facebook. 

It's not only that it seems someone new is announcing their pregnancy every day that is bothering me (I mean, of course, that hits home too), but it's also the fact that it keeps happening to people who are younger than me.  Just the other day, I saw that one of my acquaintances from my home town that is a year younger than me, is having her 3rd child.  Another in the same class is having her second.  The idea that these girls could potentially be done having children by the time I even know if we are capable of having one is scary to me.  

I know that 28 years old is not old by any means.  But we have no timeline.  I don't know if we will have a  child next year, or if it will even happen by the time I'm 35.  We just have no idea and I suppose that's the hardest part.  And on top of not knowing, we don't know how much money we will spend over the course of this process.  From the research I've done, one IVF treatment (if that's even a viable option for us) will eat up our entire savings.  That, my friends, is very daunting.

All we can do now, is focus on the things we do know- and those are good things.  We have a loving marriage.  We have amazingly supportive family and friends.  We have our health.  Praise God for those things!


  1. I remember standing exctly where you are, exactly 2 years ago. It's a crappy place to be, I know. And now you can add an amazingly supportive online community to the list of things you have. I look forward to following you and wish you all the best.

  2. Hi! Just came over from LFCA. I am so sorry you have to be going through this journey of living with azoospermia. It sucks, but I have found in a strange way it is a blessing to have a new perspective on life, marriage, everything. I hope you find blogging to be the therapeutic outlet you need; there really is an awesome support community here. Best of luck on your journey- I'm looking forward to reading more.
